Fondazione Costanza が受賞者を発表しました。この権威あるアカデミー賞であるオスカー クリエイティビティ賞を受賞できてとても光栄です。世界中の才能あるアーティストたちとともに、このように表彰されるのは信じられないほど名誉なことです。授賞式は 2024 年 6 月 19 日にイタリアのバゲリアにある美しいサラ ボレマンスで行われます。私たちは自分たちの功績とクリエイティビティの力を祝います。この素晴らしい栄誉をくださった @fondazionecostanza に心から感謝します。この栄誉は私のクリエイティビティの限界をさらに押し広げ、無限のクリエイティビティへの扉を開いてくれました。受賞アーティストの皆さん、おめでとうございます。
Fondazione Costanza has announced the winners. I am so honored to receive the Oscar Creativity Award. It is an incredible honor to be recognized in this way, together with such talented artists from all over the world. The ceremony will take place on June 19, 2024, in the beautiful Sala Borremans in Bagheria, Italy. We celebrate our achievements and the power of creativity. I am so grateful to @fondazionecostanza for this amazing honor. This honor has pushed my creative boundaries even further and opened the door to limitless creativity.Congratulations to all the winning artists!
Received Lifetime Achievement Award from the Costanza Foundation in Italy
MAKOTO AMBO ART Honor and Gratitude I am truly happy to receive the Leonardo da Vinci International Prize - Universal Artist (Special Edition Gold) in recognition of my artistic achievements. It is an incredible honor to be recognized in this way and I am truly grateful for the recognition of my work. I would like to sincerely thank Salvatore Russo, Francesco Russo and Sandro Serradifalco @sandro_serradifalco for their support and trust in my work. Your encouragement gives me strength for the future. I am deeply grateful for your contribution to my art @fondazione_effettoarte Award ceremony: April 13, 2024, National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci", Milan. This award is a symbol of the dedication and passion that drives my artistic career and I am truly honored to receive it. Your support is the greatest encouragement for me.
I am deeply grateful to receive the International Prize Botticelli, which recognizes my art, historical value, research, and my overall artistic achievements.
Additionally, the Arts Ambassador award is given to artists, painters, photographers, graphic designers and video artists who have made a mark on the international stage thanks to their art.
Contemporary Art Curator Magazin
Top Artist に選出
・1/8~1/13 博多阪急百貨店催事場 決定
・2/19~2/25 浦和三越伊勢丹美術画廊 決定
・4/2~4/8 丸善丸の内本店ギャラリー 決定
・4/23~4/29 仙台三越美術画廊 決定